ALL NEW Postpartum Kitchen Online Apprenticeship coming summer '24



“Both for myself and my family healthy and conscious eating is important but can be hard to find time to really achieve. With the birth of our third baby I am so comforted to know that Milk & Seed can help provide me the nourishment I need while allowing me to savor the time to connect with my family. And of course the food is delicious.”



“Scheduling a meal service while pregnant with my second child was such a gift. I’m the type of person who tries to take care of everything herself but having a toddler in the mix this time around, I knew I’d need help- and knowing that healing wholesome food would be available for the whole family without effort was a huge relief. We ordered a “birth-day” cake and had the sweetest celebration upon our daughter’s arrival; it marked the experience as so festive and cozy. The other meals we actually spaced out between family coming to visit and wound up freezing an item or two as well, making the support stretch that much longer. I’m ever grateful for Sophie’s creative, delicious and nourishing gifts!”



“Knowing all of our postpartum food was taken care of when we were expecting our first child was the greatest ‘birthing gift’ our parents could have offered us. Sophie knows exactly what foods are needed to heal the mind, body and soul of a tender new family. The food is so well balanced for maximum healing and nutrition that we couldn’t stop ourselves from choosing everything on the menu! A no brainer for any new parent.”



“Miracle-heaven-lifesaver-lifeline, haha. Words are inadequate for how grateful I am.”



“At a time when you can really use some help, Sophie’s delicious food is there to nourish you so that you may heal. Also, saving precious time to allow you to spend it with your new little bundle. It’s very reassuring to know that Sophie has covered your nutritional needs for postpartum health and recovery. Her menu is scrumptious, fun and made with love and care. Treat yourself!! I would definitely recommend it.”




"The Postpartum Kitchen course has become a turning point for me. After struggling for years with depletion and exhaustion following the births of my daughters, and knowing intuitively that it was partially caused by the lack of rest and nourishment that I (and the majority of other women in the US) experienced postpartum, I am so grateful that I came across Sophie’s work and was able to learn from her. The wisdom and passion Sophie shares in this course helped me move forward in my own healing and helped illuminate a clearer picture of how I can use my story and the knowledge I have gained about postpartum nutrition and care into something that will serve the women in my community.”



"We just completed the Postpartum Kitchen Online Apprenticeship today and it has truly been such a transformational experience. Sophie has such a gift in how she shares her wisdom, learnings and experiences to help transform the postpartum journey for women globally. The group of women that came together through this apprenticeship is truly remarkable and it has been amazing to get to know them over these past six weeks. I have looked forward to our weekly classes and have found them invaluable in gaining better understanding into how we can most effectively nourish and nurture ourselves and others in the postpartum journey, rooted in wisdom from rituals, ceremonies and traditions around the world.

My hope is that this continues to mobilize and transform the postpartum experience for women everywhere as it is so vitally needed. I embarked upon this apprenticeship pregnant myself, seeking to learn and grow as much as possible so I can apply these learnings in my own journey and share with as many others as I can. It has been so special to take this course within this context and I am forever grateful for the wisdom shared, knowledge gained, and the community that continues to grow through all Sophie continues to build through Milk + Seed. I highly recommend the Medicinal Kitchen Online Apprenticeship – both for those starting postpartum food delivery programs as well as those in the journey of motherhood. It has deepened and enriched my journey immensely and I truly can’t recommend it highly enough.”



"Starting out, I was super excited, literally doing a count down and now I feel part sadness that my Wednesdays will be missing some thing as from next week. This was my first meaningful step I took this year besides reading books and articles in participating in an online class. But oh what a journey it has been .....just so incredible to be so connected to a world of amazing women and world. Who I was 6 weeks ago is positively different to who I am today and will be in future. I feel enhanced, confident, aware and armed to start my journey in the postpartum evolution in my community, city and country. Thank you so much. Your generous spirit is truly a blessing to us and I pray that blessings will return ten fold and more to you, your work, your business and family.”



"I want to thank Sophie for the opportunity to take part in this program. As a new mother myself, I have come to understand how critical postpartum is. It's a vulnerable time with much-needed restoration for the family, especially the mother. Taking part in the apprenticeship program has allowed me to expand my knowledge of the power of healing foods. She covered postpartum nutrition and the value of self-care through energy and intention as a key component for all-around healing. I appreciated the nutrition content as well as the reminder to implement it in our daily lives as a way to stay in touch with the work. I'm looking forward to applying all that I have learned and continue the work in my community."



"This is not a conventional class. Everything from the way it’s presented, to the knowledge shared and the heart being poured into is uniquely beautiful. It was not what I expected, it was so much more colorful and vibrant and full of ancient wisdom. Sophie is weaving it all together into a wonderfully sparkling tapestry, combining old traditions with modern needs. At the end you feel how your cup has been filled as much as your recipe repertoire. It was a blessing to take part in it!”



"Sophie’s class gave me hope for women being supported and held as they are born into motherhood. This class was so much more than a class on amazing food, although it was that too, but on the deep importance of mothering the mother and on nourishing women from the inside out so that they can be empowered while they raise this planet’s future. This is a beautiful class and I am now addicted to ghee.”



"I am greatly inspired after participating in Sophie’s postpartum kitchen course! Her dedication to her dharma as a support and nourisher for mothers and beyond is apparent in her passion filled classes embodying a wide range of wisdom. As a long time healing foods chef myself, I felt my own fire reignite inside at the importance of this work. It is true, cooking is ritual and our American culture has much to learn about taking care of all mothers who birth life into this world. I appreciate Sophie being a pioneer in this realm and know I am richer for taking her course. Thank you Sophie!" 



"What a special gathering the apprenticeship has been! I now feel that mothers dedicated to their healing is the highest act of love for their children, community and themselves. Sophie holds a container honoring the earth and ancient wisdom, while educating on nutrition in an incredibly engaging and thoughtful way. I can honestly say I left every session inspired and I am so grateful I had the opportunity to take part!" 


"After being a first time mother, I realized how important it was to treat ourselves with the same love and dedication we give to our newborn, our partner, our family and friends. I remembered that Sophie was nurturing women (and saving humanity) through her medicinal kitchen and when she was sharing her wisdom in a postpartum apprenticeship course, I jumped at the chance to sign up! Sophie teaches from the heart because she draws from her personal experience and that's what makes this course so easy to learn from. When you have someone so incredibly passionate about helping the sisterhood, you feel inspired to also pay it forward. She simplifies centuries of wisdom, theory and practice from around the world into six hourly zoom sessions and provides pre-reading material, recipes and 'homework' to help you understand yourself, the theory and get you to practice. If your heart has a calling to help women feel whole again after their rollercoaster ride called motherhood, make this course as part of your journey."



"Sophie is a guiding light in the maternal paradigm that is nourishing new mothers. Her knowledge and compassion for passing on the key principles of postpartum healing, and teaching ways to implement these practices into community is why this apprenticeship was so appealing to me. As a postpartum doula, I have renewed my commitment to servicing families during the 4th trimester, while bringing medicinal food to the forefront.”



 "I just wanted to write you a quick email to say a massive thanks for the beautiful apprenticeship over the past weeks. I have found so much of what you speak on affirming and enlightening and this work always feels like a remembrance to me - a kind of coming home- which is such a gift. Thank you! I’m feeling ever greater readiness and passion to keep supporting and enabling women in this sphere of love ie- steaming, poaching and roasting!"



“I absolutely loved the open heart of Sophie in sharing her wisdom and experiences. Her open heart has encouraged my path in pursuing my passion in offerings of medicinal foods for mammas.”



“I found the Apprenticeship deeply inspiring and gave me the motivation and knowledge i needed to start putting my dreams of offering meal prep for postpartum mams into action. Sophie's energy was a joy to watch and experience and I cannot wait to use this information moving forward to help support families during this vulnerable time. Sooo grateful for the wonderful recipe book!” 



“I loved all of the recipes provided! This apprenticeship has helped me to learn how to support and nourish my body in a way that I have felt real changes which in turn have given me strength and energy to keep up with my child! This apprenticeship has influenced my cooking and grocery shopping, I’m now purchasing more real whole foods and cooking wholesome meals that I feel are supporting my body."



“I loved that [the course] focused on food for the postpartum and that the class was only for 6 weeks, which made it easier to digest and commit time to the class. I am a postpartum doula and the apprenticeship helped support and broaden existing and new views on our relationship to food and the importance of nourishment in the postpartum window.”



“I have gained more knowledge as to what true postpartum care looks like, feels like, smells like. The wisdom Sophie shares is more than just physically nurturing, it's soul nurturing. It is the healing that every new born mother needs. Thank you for spreading this seed of knowledge and doing it so in such a passionate way.”



“I loved how well informed Sophie was about the healing foods and supplements. I loved how grounded and calm Sophie was during our time together. I liked meeting other people from all over the world. The time of day was perfect for me to attend. I loved this class and I am happy I was able to take it.”



“Sophie delivers this apprenticeship with such embodiment and for me this was so heartening and inspiring. I loved learning about postpartum care, ritual and culture around the world and trying out so many beautiful recipes she provided which gave each week a delightful creative involvement and anticipation. As an Ayurvedic practitioner many concepts were familiar to me but the thoughtful way Sophie weaves her threads of vast knowledge combined with her personal wisdom and insight as a mother make this a very special experience. The community of women gathered were also a highlight for me and an example of what is possible when women come together in love for life and one another."



“I loved all of the information from an intuitive, grounded, ancient and mothering practice. Each week was full of practical tools for us to engage in and start making recipes! Thank you so much for having the recordings available too! It's super helpful as I missed a couple classes due to work.”



“This apprenticeship inspired me to focus on nutritional value in the postpartum care I provide as a doula. My dear ones have been well fed, and this training was beyond path affirming.”



“Loved everything - the information, the recipes are amazing, Sophie is the warmest person – and so knowledgable, inspiring and helpful.”



“From the start Sophie's energy and dedication radiated through the whole apprenticeship. I loved that we were encouraged to connect to our own heritage. Everything was explained with so much grace. Very informative!! I could hardly wait every week to learn more form Sophie. The recipe book is fantastic too!! Thank you for this teaching all this goodness.”



“I loved the weekly gatherings to learn and discuss ways to support the new mom. It felt so good to be in the company of like-minded humans. I loved your weekly topics. It was a good range of themes. I loved how you began the class with breathwork. It felt very grounding. The course really solidified my desire to do this work. The bonus meeting was very informative - I would be interested in a whole course on starting a business! I still feel unprepared in that aspect to jump in and start business right away.”



“I recently moved to a new state and was having a hard time finding my way as a doula – this course was the spark I needed. Meeting with care takers all over the world each week and reviewing the importance of postpartum care was powerful and inspiring.”



“I loved the overall education about food for the postpartum period. I loved the respect for food and where it comes from and the guidance in how to cook and create healthy foods for mothers and families on a daily basis. I use the straightforward and elegant recipes on a daily basis for our family and our community. Thank you!”



“Our classes were very inspiring and full of great info! I enjoyed just listening to Sophie talk about Ayurvedic medicine and her experience using these different herbs and supplements. The class has given me a good understanding of Ayurvedic cooking and it no longer feels intimidating to begin my own journey and furthering my education on my own.”



“I found the Apprenticeship deeply inspiring and gave me the motivation and knowledge i needed to start putting my dreams of offering meal prep for postpartum moms into action. Sophie's energy was a joy to watch and experience and I cannot wait to use this information moving forward to help support families during this vulnerable time. Sooo grateful for the wonderful recipe book!”


“I loved that it focused on food for the postpartum and that the class was only for 6 weeks, which made it easier to digest and commit time to the class. I am a postpartum doula and the apprenticeship helped support and broaden existing and new views on our relationship to food and the importance of nourishment in the postpartum window.”


“I loved the overall education about food for the postpartum period. I loved the respect for food and where it comes from and the guidance in how to cook and create healthy foods for mothers and families on a daily basis. I use the straightforward and elegant recipes on a daily basis for our family and our community. Thank you!”


“I absolutely loved the open heart of Sophie in sharing her wisdom and experiences. Her open heart has encouraged my path in pursuing my passion in offerings of medicinal foods for mammas.”